
New gitit users cannot log in after creating an account

Closed this issue · 12 comments

RGD2 commented

This is with 8063ea9 and with Chrome Version 94.0.4606.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Steps to reproduce:

  • Be on windows 10

  • Get debian from Windows Store (follow instructions for WSL2 setup)

  • get into wsl debian

  • sudo apt install -y git haskell-stack

  • cd; git clone https://jgm/gitit

  • cd gitit; stack install

  • mkdir ~/testgitit; cd ~/testgitit

  • gitit --print-default-config > my.conf

  • gitit -f my.conf

  • browse to http://localhost:5001

  • on Front page: click 'edit'

  • on Login page: click 'click here to get one'

  • fill in form (with real email address)

  • right-click password field, select 'Suggest Password...', click 'Use suggested password'.

  • click Register

  • now back at Login page, username/password are prefilled by chrome, click Login

  • nothing happens - still on Login page, still pre-filled, no error messages and not logged in.

  • back to front page by clicking the dog, clicking 'login / get an account', then click login button -> back to front page, NOT logged in.

There's no sent email with an account verification link, and no error message either. Nothing is in the log file apart from the 7 Created/Added lines.

Making it save password reset emails locally:

cat <<EF > fakemail
cat > ~/fakemail
chmod +x fakemail
cat my.conf | sed 's/sendmail/.\/fakemail/' > fm.conf
gitit -f fm.conf

And now at least the reset URL email can be seen with cat ~/fakemail, but repeating account generation does not put an account creation email there.

What's going on? There's a line in gitit-users, and I can ask for a password regeneration and use the link to change the password, but I still can't log in.

jgm commented

Not sure. Have you tried with older releases? Is this a regression?

I'm also having this issue on Windows 10 / WSL2.

jgm commented

@Daedalus359 Please indicate what version you're using, and how you built/installed it.

gitit version

Installed via stack according to gitit's Hackage readme:

git clone https://github.com/jgm/gitit
cd gitit
stack install

This was within my WSL2 instance, which is Ubuntu 20.04 from the Microsoft store.

Edit: I'm planning to try this on a native Linux computer next weekend, so I can report back if there's any reason to think WSL2 could be the issue.

Edit 2: Following up on the plans mentioned above - my new computer is a Raspberry Pi 4, and I didn't realize there was a relative lack of support for Stack or the Haskell Platform on that architecture. As a result, I unfortunately won't be able to try gitit anywhere else for now.

nek0 commented

I can confirm this issue also appearing on linux natively. System here is:

VERSION="21.11 (Porcupine)"
PRETTY_NAME="NixOS 21.11 (Porcupine)"

Methods tried were:

  • Using a nix-shell -p haskellPackages.gitit command to get a shell with a gitit fetched from cache
  • Running cabal install gitit and running the executable from the cabal binary directory.

Thank you for your time.

Confirming that the login issue is also present on OpenBSD 7.0 / GHC 8.10.6 with gitit installed either via cabal install gitit or by cloning the repo (b03c78e) and cabal install per the README.

  • Creating account works correctly and shows up in gitit-users
  • Logging in with the correct password redirects to the Front Page, with "Login / Get an Account" still in the upper right
  • Creating or editing a page shows the author as "Anonymous" instead of the user
  • The only cookie set is "sid", value "SessionKey%20336540901", with an expiry one hour in the future
  • Same behavior with Firefox or a Chromium-based browser, normal or private mode
jgm commented

Yes, I see this too with a fresh install (on macos -- apparently this is not os-specific).
Not sure when this stopped working or why, but I'll look into it a bit.

jgm commented

Lab note: with some tracing, I can see that in withUserFromSession, getSession is returning Nothing. Even though the cookie is being set, we're getting pSessionKey = Nothing in params.
Note: the value of the cookie is SessionKey%20336540901 (as noted above, number will differ). Perhaps we've got an issue here involving FromReqURI for SessionKey. Looking at the code, it seems that it is expecting just a number, not SessionKey number.

jgm commented

Think I've got it figured out.

jgm commented

This was a regression introduced by 111a2f1 (Aug 11 2021) which made SessionKey a newtype. This changed its Show instance and broke the session cookie reading code. My fault, sorry!

jgm commented

This should be fixed by e27bd3f
Testing would be welcome!
And then I can make a new release.

Working perfectly with e27bd3f, thanks very much for the quick fix!