
Cannot add css classes to implicit_figures

nomeata opened this issue · 7 comments

When creating an implicit_figure, e.g.

![Function composition](/images/function-machine.png){ width=200 .floatright .noprint }

then the style information is attached to the <img> tag, not the <div class="figure"> tag:

<div class="figure">
<img src="../images/function-machine.png" alt="Function composition" class="floatright noprint" width="200">
<p class="caption">Function composition</p>

This prevents different styling of figures via CSS, e.g.

@media print {
    .noprint {
        display: none;

(This would leave the caption in the document.)

I don’t have a good idea about a backwards-compatible syntax that would allow the user to assign style data to the outermost <div>, though.

could you use the + css selector, which selects elements found just after other elements to display:none the caption?:

@media print{
    .noprint, .noprint+.caption {

This would not hide the div .figure, though, would it?

No, but if everything in the div is display:none then it might note show up. Depends on your layout etc.

Faced the same issue with implicit figures in html5:

$ cat test.md 
![caption](picture.jpg "title"){#id .class}

$ pandoc -t html5 ./test.md
<img src="picture.jpg" title="title" id="id" class="class"
alt="caption" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">caption</figcaption>

Everything is correct, but id and class attributes will be much more useful if they are attributes of figure element, e. g.:

$ pandoc -t html5 ./test.md
<figure id="id" class="class">
<img src="picture.jpg" title="title" alt="caption" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">caption</figcaption>

In such a case, custom style sheet will be trivial and allow to freely stylize everything: figure, img, and figcaption. Having id and class attributes at img element makes figure stylizing non-trivial.

jgm commented

With pandoc 3.1.5, the id attribute, at least, does get put on figure (but not class).

With pandoc 3.1.5, the id attribute, at least, does get put on figure (but not class).

Thanks for the info, it's good to know. I still use pandoc 2.19.2 in Fedora 38, though.

What about class? Is it not yet implemented, or do you have any principal objections from moving it to figure?

BTW: If id and class attributes are put on img, styling figure element is trivial with :has CSS selector. Unfortunately, this is Selectors Level 4 Draft. Only very recent browsers support it.

jgm commented

I'm very tempted to move class, yes. But there's the usual fear of unexpected consequences and breaking things.