
OpenDocument Style for Bibliography

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Apologies if this is a citeproc issue---I think it's for pandoc proper, though.

When I do a .md > .docx conversion, my bibliography gets its own "Bibliography" style in the .docx file, which I can style with reference.docx. However, the .odt output styles the bibliography as a simple sequence of ps. Could we get a special "Bibliography" style for OpenDocument format?

I've been looking through source code, but my Haskell skillz just aren't up to the task at the moment.

jgm commented

What would be needed is special treatment of a Div element in the OpenDocument writer.
Currently we just recurse inside it and process its contents. We'd also need a special style in data/odt/styles.xml

Ok. I found where this is all happening—and on analogy to the docx writer, I may be able to get this to work. I'll see if I can get a PR going sometime soon.

Hello, any improvements here?