
Access violation in generated code when reading 0xffffffffffffffff

unitscan opened this issue · 1 comments

Reading the various answers on this site, I tried a way to convert a .tex file containing images generated with tikz into an editable format with MS Word. I followed the various instructions exactly, but the command prompt gives me this error:

Access violation in generated code when reading 0xffffffffffffffff

Attempting to reconstruct a stack trace...

Frame Code address

  • 0xf6875ad200 0x7ff73ca0ef6e C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x2c9ef6e
  • 0xf6875ad208 0x61636f4c5c617461
  • 0xf6875ad210 0x735c706d65545c6c
  • 0xf6875ad218 0x302e387738
  • 0xf6875ad220 0x2e641a704e8
  • 0xf6875ad260 0x7ff73e43b02f C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x46cb02f
  • 0xf6875ad2c0 0x7ff73e42b5f4 C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x46bb5f4
  • 0xf6875ad3e0 0x7ff73e4329b8 C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x46c29b8
  • 0xf6875ad420 0x7ff73e42b791 C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x46bb791
  • 0xf6875ad590 0x7ff73e42a7f8 C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x46ba7f8
  • 0xf6875ad5f0 0x7ff73e42bcf5 C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x46bbcf5
  • 0xf6875ad650 0x7ff73ca0926d C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x2c9926d
  • 0xf6875ad690 0x7ff73a73c531 C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x9cc531
  • 0xf6875ad698 0x7ff73ada0c57 C:\Program Files\Pandoc\pandoc.exe+0x1030c57
  • 0xf6875ad6a0 0x7ef4a1f26200
  • 0xf6875ad6a8 0x10

I used this comand line: pandoc --from latex+raw_tex --lua-filter=tikz.lua -s test.tex -o test.docx

The tex code is as follows



  Some content and an equation $a=b$

\draw (0,0) -- (4,4);


The Lua script is https://gist.github.com/gfacciol/4099a3e28a2a29611d1d3323071f7be0

The same command without Lua script works. Of course, only text on the outpit file.

Pandoc version: 3.1.13
OS: Windows 10

jgm commented

I suspect this has to do with that Lua script (which obviously wasn't written with Windows in mind - note the \n line endings).

I don't think it is an issue in pandoc itself, and I can't diagnose further because I don't have a Windows box. I'll convert this to a Discussion item; maybe someone will have advice.