
pandoc-server- does not compile on Linux x86_64

Closed this issue · 3 comments

peti commented

We are seeing the following build error on openSUSE Linux:

[   40s] [1 of 1] Compiling Text.Pandoc.Server
[   40s] 
[   40s] src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs:42:41: error: [GHC-61689]
[   40s]     Module ‘Text.Pandoc.Shared’ does not export ‘headerShift’.
[   40s]    |
[   40s] 42 | import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeStrRead, headerShift, filterIpynbOutput,
[   40s]    |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^
[   40s] 
[   40s] src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs:42:54: error: [GHC-61689]
[   40s]     Module ‘Text.Pandoc.Shared’ does not export ‘filterIpynbOutput’.
[   40s]    |
[   40s] 42 | import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeStrRead, headerShift, filterIpynbOutput,
[   40s]    |                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[   40s] 
[   40s] src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs:43:28: error: [GHC-61689]
[   40s]     Module ‘Text.Pandoc.Shared’ does not export ‘eastAsianLineBreakFilter’.
[   40s]    |
[   40s] 43 |                            eastAsianLineBreakFilter)
[   40s]    |                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I suppose this means the Cabal version constraints of the build are incorrect? This is the environment we're building in:

[   40s] Configuring pandoc-server-
[   40s] Dependency aeson >=2.0 && <2.3: using aeson-
[   40s] Dependency base >=4.12 && <5: using base-
[   40s] Dependency base64-bytestring >=0.1 && <1.3: using base64-bytestring-
[   40s] Dependency bytestring >=0.9 && <0.13: using bytestring-
[   40s] Dependency containers >= && <0.8: using containers-0.6.8
[   40s] Dependency data-default >=0.4 && <0.8: using data-default-
[   40s] Dependency doctemplates >=0.11 && <0.12: using doctemplates-0.11
[   40s] Dependency pandoc >=3.0: using pandoc-3.2
[   40s] Dependency pandoc-types >=1.22 && <1.24: using pandoc-types-1.23.1
[   40s] Dependency servant-server >=0.19 && <0.21: using servant-server-0.20
[   40s] Dependency skylighting >=0.13 && <0.15: using skylighting-
[   40s] Dependency text >= && <2.2: using text-2.1.1
[   40s] Dependency unicode-collation >=0.1.1 && <0.2: using unicode-collation-
[   40s] Dependency wai >=3.2 && <3.3: using wai-3.2.4
[   40s] Dependency wai-cors >=0.2.7 && <0.3: using wai-cors-0.2.7
jgm commented

Ah yes -- I should have released a new version of pandoc-server and bumped some dependency ranges. Need to tighten up my release procedure to prevent this in the future.

jgm commented

Released pandoc-server-, updated version bounds in pandoc-cli as a Hackage revision. It should work for you now; let me know if it doesn't.

peti commented

Everything builds fine now. Thank you very much for the quick response!