
Wheel support for linux aarch64/x86

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Installing pandocfilters on aarch64/x86 via pip using command "pip3 install pandocfilters" tries to build wheel from source code

Problem description
Pandocfilters doesn't have wheel for aarch64/x86 on PyPI repository. So, while installing pandocfilters via pip on aarch64/x86 machine, pip builds the source code resulting in it takes more time to install pandocfilters. Making wheel available for aarch64/x86 will benefit aarch64/x86 users by minimizing pandocfilters installation time. We can release the wheel using CI/CD tools such as travis-ci, circle-ci, azure-pipelne etc. These tools will not just help us releasing wheels but also ensures the integrity of the product by running tests automatically on every PR/code change. Adapting these tools will make the developemt/integration process easy and fast.

Expected Output
Pip should be able to download pandocfilters wheel from PyPI repository rather than building it from source code.

@pandocfilters-taem, please let me know if I can help you building wheel/uploading to PyPI repository and adding support for CI/CD. I am curious to make pandocfilters wheel available for aarch64. It will be a great opportunity for me to work with you.

rdb commented

It's a Python-only library, so an arch-independent wheel can be published, there's no need for an architecture-specific wheel. It's just a matter of python setup.py bdist_wheel and twine upload dist/*.whl, so this should be quite easy to do.