
Pandoc does not correctly highlight reserved keywords in TypeScript code blocks (Markdown).

atalaminos opened this issue · 2 comments

Reserved keywords such as return or const are not highlighted when the file is converted to epub. In JavaScript blocks the highlighting is correct.

const add = (n1: number, n2: number) => {
  return n1 + n2;

Imagen de Portapapeles


jgm commented

typescript.xml is supposed to import JavaScript keywords; this may not be working properly.

        <!-- Include all JavaScript keywords! -->
        <list name="controlflow">
        <list name="keywords">
        <list name="reserved">
                <!-- Class -->
                <item>declare</item> <!-- storage modifier -->
                <!-- Also:
                     public, protected, private, async, super, new, static -->
jgm commented

Ah, this is a dup of #124 I guess!