
texmath converts $\ddot{q}$ to $q^(̈)$ from LaTeX to Typst

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Your notation doesn't render that well, it renders the parenthesis with the double dots.
However the correct move in this should be $dot.double(q)$
\dddot is also dot.triple
and \ddddot is dot.quad

jgm commented

\ddot{q} parses as

[ EOver False (EIdentifier "q") (ESymbol Accent "\776") ]

The problem is that dot.double is \168 (scraped from the typst documentation on symbols).

776 = Combining Diaeresis
168 = Diaeresis

You'll note we don't have trouble with \dddot, just \ddot, and this is why.

In typst-symbols, dot.triple is

8411 - combining three dots above

In my opinion, it would make sense for dot.double and dot.triple both to be mapped to characters with similar unicode properties -- hence 776.

cc @laurmaedje

In the mean time, though, we can probably just add some code to treat 776 as 168 for purpose of typst symbol lookup.

jgm commented

I've fixed this with the workaround. @laurmaedje I'm really not sure about the character mapping issue -- you probably know more than I do about this -- but I thought I'd raise the issue.

If I recall correctly, we did it this way because we generally wanted the non-combining character as the default for the symbol (e.g. tilde is a normal tilde, not a combining one and diaresis/dot.double is the same), but the triple dot only exists in combining form. I'm not 100% sure though.