
testsuite failures in Stackage Nightly

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Test suite failure for package typst-

             test/typ/math/spacing-04.typ:                FAIL (0.01s)                                                              
               Test output was different from 'test/out/math/spacing-04.out'. Output of ["diff","-u","test/out/math/spacing-04.out",
               --- test/out/math/spacing-04.out 2023-07-24 03:03:19.932092787 +0000                                                 
               +++ /tmp/spacing-0444-40.actual  2023-08-19 06:26:08.131211805 +0000                                                 
               @@ -283,96 +283,5 @@                                                                                                 
                , ParBreak                                                                                                          
               ---- evaluated ---                                                                                                   
               -{ text(body: [                                                                                                      
               -  text(body: [                                                                                                      
               -  math.equation(block: false,                                                                                       
               -                body: { text(body: [a]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [≡]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [b]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [+]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [c]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [-]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [d]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [⇒]),                                                                            
               -                        text(body: [e]),                                                                            
               -                        math.op(limits: false,                                                                      
               -                                text: "log"),                                                                       
               -                        text(body: [5]),                                                                            
               -                        math.op(text: text(body: [ln])),                                                            
               -                        text(body: [6]) },                                                                                         -                numbering: none),                                                                                   
               -  text(body: [ ]),                                                                                                  
               -  linebreak(),                                                                                                      
               -  math.equation<truncated>                                                                                          
               Use --accept or increase --size-cutoff to see full output.                                                           
               Use -p '/test\/typ\/math\/spacing-04.typ/' to rerun this test only.
             test/typ/math/spacing-02.typ:                FAIL (0.01s)
               Test output was different from 'test/out/math/spacing-02.out'. Output of ["diff","-u","test/out/math/spacing-02.out",
               --- test/out/math/spacing-02.out 2023-07-24 03:03:19.932092787 +0000
               +++ /tmp/spacing-0244-98.actual  2023-08-19 06:26:08.443205900 +0000
               @@ -110,47 +110,5 @@                         
                , ParBreak
               ---- evaluated --- 
               -{ text(body: [
               -  math.equation(block: false, 
               -                body: { text(body: [a]), 
               -                        text(body: [ ]), 
               -                        text(body: [b]), 
               -                        text(body: [,]), 
               -                        text(body: [a]), 
               -                        text(body: [ ]), 
               -                        text(body: [b]), 
               -                        text(body: [,]), 
               -                        text(body: [a]), 
               -                        text(body: [ ]), 
               -                        text(body: [b]), 
               -                        text(body: [,]), 
               -                        text(body: [a]), 
               -                        text(body: [ ]), 
               -                        text(body: [b]) }, 
               -                numbering: none), 
               -  text(body: [ ]), 
               -  linebreak(), 
               -  math.equation(b<truncated>
               Use --accept or increase --size-cutoff to see full output.
               Use -p '/test\/typ\/math\/spacing-02.typ/' to rerun this test only.

If you would the testsuite to count after resolving this, please open a PR to revert the following stackage commit.

jgm commented

Yes, I know. I put out a fixed release an hour or so after that one...and deprecated that one on Hackage.

jgm commented

To be more precise, the problem was not with typst but with the dependent package typst-symbols, which had a bad update 0.1.3. New versions of typst-symbols are now available, and 0.1.3 is deprecated on Hackage. But what would be best is if stackage stayed with typst-symbols 0.1.2 as long as typst is included. I should have included an upper bound on typst-symbols.