
Incorrect LaTeX exponent syntax for Typst input in Pandoc conversion

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Explain the problem.
When converting typst to pandoc, I get that the typst code $n(a)^(b)$ is translated into \(n(a)\hat{}(b)\) and not \(n(a)^{(b)}\)

To reproduce:

echo "\$n(a)^(b)\$" | pandoc -f typst -t latex

Pandoc version?
I am using the online version, which runs 3.1.9

jgm commented

Actually it should be:



jgm commented

I'll move this to jgm/typst-hs which is where this part of the conversion gets done.
Note that $a^(b)$ works fine, so the problem is something like a precedence nesting issue.

jgm commented

Note to self: typst actually distinguishes between these:



In the first, we have {a_1}(x) (using {} to indicate grouping)
In the second, a_{f(x)}.

jgm commented

This fix raised an error in the pandoc test suite, so it's not complete.

$sum_(j = 0)^3 j^2$

should render

Pandoc previously converted it to

\sum_{j = 0}^{3}j^{2}

which did render that way. With this change in typst-hs, however, pandoc produces

\sum_{(j = 0)^{3}}j^{2}

which does not render properly.

More examination is needed to match typst's parsing precedence behavior.

The problem is that our parser is grouping (j=0)^3 as a unit and treating that as the argument to _.