
Identifier `<x>` not found

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Sorry for so many back-to-back issues, haha. I'm converting a somewhat large project to markdown and reporting all the errors that ensue.

#rect(fill: gradient.linear(..color.map.viridis))

Produces the error

Identifier "gradient" not found

Also occurs for version

jgm commented

What do you mean, version? Give a full example.

Also occurs with renamed imports.

Consider two files: an empty lib.typ and the following main.typ in the same folder:

#import "lib.typ" as mylib

Pandoc will produce the error:

Identifier "mylib" not found
jgm commented

Yeah, I haven't supported renamed imports yet.
Nor gradients.
Nor versions as types.

jgm commented

Thanks for reporting all these things, though. It's helpful to have real-world testing.

Happy to help!