
Help with permissions. o/

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Lord. :P Everything was going great and I've built a fairly large gopher hole @ gopher://20forbeers.com:70 and then I went and messed up permissions. Now, some of my /folders display 'Unable to access document' when I click on files and dirs that were accessible yesterday.

Yes, it was user error. Is there any documentation that talks about permissions; I think what stumped me up was the gopher:gopher for user:group, but I don't have a gopher user or group... or so I thought. Long story short I need a refresher in permissions, UID/GID for gopher dirs. HELP!

Its odd, too, any page with a gopher map displays my data... but the ones that are just dirs with files/texts/dirs inside of them don't allow to be navigated anymore. They did at one point. Any help would be really appreciated, and you can see the issue @ gopher://20forbeers.com:70. Thanks kindly!