In response to a public records request, the U.S. State Department is releasing Hillary Clinton's email messages from her time as secretary of state. Every month, newly released messages are posted to as PDFs, with some metadata.
This collection of tools automates downloading and helps analyze the messages. The Wall Steet Journal's interactive graphics team uses some of this code to power our Clinton inbox search interactive.
We welcome your pull requests and issue reports.
- runs all of the Python scripts in the toolkit automatically, allowing easy updates when messages are released.
- scrapes sender, recipient, message date and subject from the message list and writes this metadata to a sqlite database,
. - writes
, a newline-delimited list of HTTPS URLs of the message PDFs. - makes a zip file of PDFs for each release of messages.
- extracts text from the PDF files (which are OCR'd by State) and writes the text to a sqlite database,
. -
HRCEMAIL_names.csv is a list that pairs sender and recipient names provided by the State Department website with that person's commonly-used name. For example,
becomesHillary Clinton
Clone the repo.
git clone
cd clinton-email-cruncher
Install virtualenv if necessary.
pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment. Python 2.7.9 is required, specifically for SSL (HTTPS) support. State Department's website requires HTTPS.
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 virt-hrcemail
source virt-hrcemail/bin/activate
Install all the Python dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, run the shell script.
You will need wget
to download the PDFs. (Mac OS X users can install it using homebrew.) Downloading the PDFs can take around 30 minutes. If you don't want to download the PDFs, run ./ no-pdf-download
Finally, load HRCEMAIL_names.csv
into the hrcemail.sqlite
csvsql --db "sqlite:///hrcemail.sqlite" --insert --no-create --blanks --table name HRCEMAIL_names.csv
How many messages did everyone send and receive? Run this SQL query:
sql2csv --db "sqlite:///hrcemail.sqlite" --query 'SELECT commonName,sum(to_count) to_sum, sum(from_count) from_sum, sum(from_count+to_count) total_sum FROM (
SELECT toName.`commonName`,0 from_count, count(distinct docID) to_count
FROM document d
JOIN name toName ON toName.`originalName` = d.`to`
JOIN name fromName ON fromName.`originalName` = d.`from`
group by toName.`commonName`
SELECT fromName.`commonName`,count(distinct docID) from_count, 0 to_count
FROM document d
JOIN name toName ON toName.`originalName` = d.`to`
JOIN name fromName ON fromName.`originalName` = d.`from`
group by fromName.`commonName`
) t GROUP BY commonName
ORDER BY total_sum DESC;' | head | csvlook
Are there any names in the document
table that are not resolved in the name
table? Use this query to check:
SELECT d.originalName d,n.originalName n FROM (SELECT distinct `to` originalName
FROM document
SELECT distinct `from` originalName
FROM document) d
LEFT JOIN name n ON TRIM(d.originalName) LIKE n.originalName
WHERE n.originalName IS NULL;
Find anything that needs to be updated? Fix the name
table, export to HRCEMAIL_names.csv
, and make a pull request.
sqlite3 -header -csv hrcemail.sqlite "SELECT * FROM name ORDER BY commonName,originalName;" > HRCEMAIL_names.csv
- Extract the time the message was sent or received from the full text
- Split the full text into constituent messages
- Develop a list of phrases to remove from the full text (e.g. "PRODUCED TO HOUSE SELECT BENGHAZI COMM")
- Infer message threads
- Pair attachments with their messages