
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'split'

mbaechtold opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm running the latest version of Fandjango and Facepy and now I'm getting this error:

AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'split'

Stacktrace (most recent call last):

  File "django/core/handlers/base.py", line 168, in get_response
    receivers = signals.got_request_exception.send(sender=self.__class__, request=request)

  File "fandjango/middleware.py", line 102, in process_request

  File "fandjango/models.py", line 256, in extend
    components = parse_qs(response)

  File "python2.6/urlparse.py", line 337, in parse_qs
    for name, value in parse_qsl(qs, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing):

  File "python2.6/urlparse.py", line 363, in parse_qsl
    pairs = [s2 for s1 in qs.split('&') for s2 in s1.split(';')]

This happend to me because of the following error: #56

Ok, I'll close this issue since it's a duplicate.
I added a new comment with the stacktrace to issue #56