
The error message is not translated when opening a recent file fails

FarSeeing opened this issue · 4 comments

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Describe the bug
The error message is not translated when opening a recent file fails

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Save a diagram to some file
  2. Delete the file
  3. Try to open the diagram via the "File - Open Recent" menu item
  4. See error

Expected behavior
Error message should be translated


draw.io version (In the Help->About menu of the draw.io editor):

  • draw.io version 24.0.4

Desktop (please complete the following information):
Windows 10, happens on Linux as well

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

It's not our error message, that's a message from the OS.

@davidjgraph - well, yes, but wouldn't it make sense to have a consistent (OS-independent) message?
Especially considering that you already try to handle it

We don't want to start translation of OS messages, it's just too much work.

Sorry, it's me again.
I don't even suggest to translate every single message, but

  • you already have several tranlsation entries that could be applied (like cannotOpenFile=Cannot open file)
  • the solution for this particular case is trivial - just change this line from this.handleError(e) to this.handleError(mxResources.get('cannotOpenFile')).