
Desktop: Draw.io opens on removed monitor and can't be accessed

kiu opened this issue · 3 comments

kiu commented

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If you are technical, you should reporting bugs along the lines of https://marker.io/blog/how-to-write-bug-report. If you are not technical, we will make allowances, please try to make an effort to understand the process.

Describe the bug
Draw.io remembers the last location it has been used on the desktop. If the location no longer exists (2nd monitor is removed) it will still open where the 2nd monitor used to be, making it unreachable. There seems to be no windows mechanism to force an app to go back to a visible portion of the desktop.


	"lastWinSize": "974,1087,4393,0,false,false",
	"dontCheckUpdates": true

Fixed for me by editing the 4393 in the config.json but for the layman impossible to solve.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Connect two monitors on a Windows 11 machine
  2. Extend your desktop to the additional monitor
  3. Use the draw.io desktop client on the second monitor and close it
  4. Disconnect the second monitor
  5. Anytime you open draw.io it is placed on a non-existent monitor and can't be accessed

Expected behavior
Draw.io figures out that the monitor doesnt exist anymore or that the current desktop resolution would put the app outside the desktop, both leading to that draw.io is visible.

Could post a screen recording if this helps.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11
  • Draw.io: v23.0.2

Just experienced the same bug. Found this issue, and tried the fix @kiu described, and it worked fine.

The bug will be fixed in the next release
Thanks for the report
