
Not a diagram file error

3insysPhillip opened this issue · 2 comments

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I am having some of the previously observed bugs when using different Cloud Services and such. I am using Google Drive in order to collaborate on some diagrams with a few people but I recently have had more and more issues with a rather large file. I am now at the point where it will not open, error: "Not a diagram file (error on line 654 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document)". If I open the file in Notepad++ I am seeing that there does seem to be some junk values being appended, incorrect tags, duplicate tags, words, etc. (values seem to be random after different attempts to open always resulting in error). I will be attaching screenshots of what I can. I am totally fine reverting to an older version or losing a lot of the content on the file, as I was leaving previous work for reference and notes. Would really appreciate help as I just need ACCESS to a portion of the work I had on the file at this point. Please and thank you!


There's junk at the end of the original file.

Capture d’écran 2024-05-01 à 19 10 07