
Object Grouping fails to work

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Describe the bug
Using latest desktop version, when I select a Rounded Rectangle object and a Text object then group them, I get no error, but many times it does not actually group them. Sometime it does, sometimes it does not.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add Rounded rectangle object, color it, include text within the rectangle
  2. Add Text object that describes additional attributes of the rounded rectangle object
  3. Select both so they have the blue dots surrounding them
  4. Select Arrange > Group /or/ Right-Click > Group
  5. The Blue dots will surround the outer Rounded Rectangle indicating the grouping worked
  6. Click on the Text object or move the Rounded Rectangle and the grouping is not in effect
  7. Repeat as many times as desired, always with the same result
  8. In some cases, on some pairs it does work - seems to be random but more broken than working.

Expected behavior
Expect grouping to always work


draw.io version (In the Help->About menu of the draw.io editor):

  • draw.io version 24.2.5

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Are you dragging the outer boundaries of the grouop? Because if you drag an Element inside the group, it won`t drag the group but the element you are dragging.

Dragging the boundaries of the outer object moves just the outer object since the grouping action was not performed. Dragging the inner object moves just the inner object since the grouping action was not performed.
Click to other object then click back, the grouping action has not been performed.
Trying to re-group the two objects again and again has no beneficial effect.
Close the app and re-open and the same "I've done enough grouping on this page" effect seems to hold.
On the page in question, there are 40 or 50 groups already and at some point it feels like the app is saying "enough already, no more grouping for you".