
Bug: newly created diagrams can not be edited

arnowelzel opened this issue · 12 comments

When creating a new diagram in Nextcloud, Draw.io will be opened to create a new diagram. However editing is not possible. One has to close the diagram first and open it again.

This happens with a self-hosted version as well as with using the official online version.

Also see #54 - I think this is the same issue.

Could you add versions please? What did you update from when the problem started?

I can reproduce the problem with Nextcloud-Draw.io-App 2.1.2 in Nextcloud 27.0.1. I don't know which previous version worked properly or if this is caused by Draw.io itself or by the Nextcloud integration.

It also does not matter, if the Draw.io is the online version from https://embed.diagrams.net or self hosted. Both are version 21.6.6.

I also notice that it only happens inside Nextcloud - on https://app.diagrams.net this problem does not occur.

Any news on that? Did you have a chance to reproduce this issue?

Not yet, we take the month of August off.

Is there any progress on that?

No, could you submit a PR please?

I just check v2.1.0 - same issue

v2.0.x can't be used any longer with a current Nextcloud release to create new diagrams (MIME type will not be registered to create new diagrams) - so even if the problem was introduced with v2.1.x I can not verify that.

Ok, maybe a hint to the right direction - this applies to the latest version v2.1.2 as well:

When disabling autosave, one can edit new diagram - but you can not save it! Clicking "Save" does not save it! So it seem like Draw.io does not have the correct access rights to create a new file and write to it.

I don't have the time to do a deeper investigation or bug fix for that, but I am willing to donate money to get this fixed. Get in touch with me to talk about the details: https://arnowelzel.de/en/about-me

Should be fixed in the new release v2.1.3

Should be fixed in the new release v2.1.3

Great! Thanks for your support!

Just tested v2.1.3 and can confirm that the bug is fixed in both modes, realtime collaboration and manual save - thanks!