
With NC 28 and Draw.io 3.0.0 the icons for MIME types are sometimes missing

arnowelzel opened this issue · 1 comments

Draw.io registers two MIME types: application/x-drawio and x-drawio-wb

Depending on the setting, the files should be either represented with a preview of the drawing or an icon. Personally I prefer the icon.

Until NC 27 and Draw.io 2.1.4 the icons always showed up properly. However in NC 28 it can happen, that the icon is missing and instead Nextcloud uses the default fallback for files:


When I force reload the page, it sometimes works:


But as soon as I open a drawing and close it again, the icons disappear again and only the placeholder is used.

This seems to be a local problem with that instance. After deleting the records for the affected files in oc_filecache and running occ files:scan --all the icons now appear properly.