
ChocAn: Chocoholics Anonymous Healthcare Suite (in Python - with a SQLite database backend)

Primary LanguagePython


https://chocoholics.xyz/ https://chocoholics.xyz/ https://chocoholics.xyz/



  • currently being worked on by jgreever (Justin Greever).
  • Feel free to make and commit changes.
  • Update the README.md with a quick snippet of what you changed/added/deleted from the files you are working on.

language: most likely Python 3

database: most likely flat sql

CS 300 - Group #4 Project - Fall 2021

Name: ChocAn - Chocoholics Anonymous

Purpose: Healthcare Services Suite

Program Design:

A. Main Interface(s)

B. Database(s)

1. Internal
2. Healthcare Records
	I. Patients
	II. Providers
3. Billing
4. IT, Security, & Ethics
	I. Technical Services
	II. Security & Authentication
	III. Ethical Records

C. Billing

1. Monthly Fee Cycle
2. Intertwined with Card Verification, Section a.)
3. Cron stuff

D. Authentication & Security

1. Card Verification
2. Group Verification
3. Synchronity

E. Communications

1. [Pseudo] Emailing System
	I. Scheduling
	II. On-Demand from/to Advisors
2. Reminders
	I. Fees
	II. Stuff
	III. Promotionals

F. Card Verification

a. Check validity
	I. Member active status
	II. Fees reminder(s)
	III. Other reminders, e.g. next appointment, et cetera.

b. Check group-level/stakeholder access(es)
	I. ChocAn Officials
		x. ChocAn Care Provider(s)
		xx. ChocAn Specialist(s)
		xxx. ChocAn Ethics & Security Specialist(s)
		xxxx. ChocAn Board of Directors(s)
		xxxxx. ChocAn Dean of Medicine
	II. Patients
		x. Active Patient
		xx. Inactive Patient
		xxx. New Patient
			!. Greetings
			!!. Welcoming, Induction, and Quick Steps
			!!!. Setup
			!!!!. Verification(s) of New User/Patient Data
	III. Guests
		x. Informational Message(s)
		xx. Information on healthcare