
Add function to create dummy data for testing purposes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

jgru commented

As proposed by @apc in the course of the discussion regarding #13, there should be a pre-populated org-roam-directory so that the package could be easily tested. To achieve this, a function should be created and documented in the wiki to make the configuration for testing purposes more complete and comprehensive.

About the test config, have you considered just having some test files that can be downloaded as part of the repo, which could be what org-roam-dir is set to according to your minimal config? I think citar has something like that setup and I think it works fine.

-- @apc

jgru commented

Dummy data for testing purposes can now be automatically created using the minimal-setup.el provided in the wiki.
The relevant elisp functions are the following ones:

(setq test-org-roam-directory (make-temp-file "roam-" t))

(with-eval-after-load 'org-roam
  (defun create-org-roam-dummy-note (title body)
    "Create an org-roam note file with TITLE and content BODY."
    (let* ((slug (org-roam-node-slug (org-roam-node-create :title title)))
            (filename (concat (file-name-as-directory org-roam-directory)
                        (format "%d-%s.org"
                          (time-convert (current-time) 'integer)
            (org-id-overriding-file-name filename)
        (insert ":PROPERTIES:\n:ID:        \n:END:\n#+title: "
        (goto-char 25)
        (setq id (org-id-get-create))
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (newline 2)
        (insert body)
        (write-file filename)
        (org-roam-db-update-file filename))))

  (defun populate-org-roam-with-dummy-notes ()
    "Create some test notes in org-roam-directory."
    (let ((elems '("alpha" "bravo" "charlie" "delta" "echo" "foxtrot")))
      ;; Check existence of org-roam-directory
      (when (not (file-directory-p org-roam-directory))
        (make-directory org-roam-directory))
      ;; Create the single notes 
      (dolist (elt elems )
        (create-org-roam-dummy-note elt
          (concat "This is the body of a note about " elt)))))

This snippet creates notes in a uniquely named temp-directory by iterating over elems.
The resulting files have the following simplistic structure:

:ID:       a8b97174-48e6-453d-8f73-8e3cd1d955b0
#+title: alpha

This is the body of a note about alpha

This can be conveniently used to test consult-org-roam's functionality