consult-org-roam-buffer-after-buffers does not produce the expected outcome
lhernanz opened this issue · 0 comments
lhernanz commented
Thanks for this package. It seems that there is a one offset in the processing of the consult-org-roam-buffer-after-buffers
variable. The roam buffers get added before the buffers, not after when I set it to true. More specifically, I get the following (consult--source-hidden-buffer consult--source-modified-buffer org-roam-buffer-source consult--source-buffer consult--source-recent-file consult--source-file-register consult--source-bookmark consult--source-project-buffer-hidden consult--source-project-recent-file-hidden)
. I think the problem is that you have a 1 error offset in the way that you calculate the index here