
Minimal JavaScript i18n library

Primary LanguageJavaScript

i18n.js is a minimal library for easy translation of strings with support for replacement tokens

Simple translation

// create a language set
var daDK = {
    locale : 'da-DK',
    values : {
        'hello world!' : 'hej verden!'

// load the language set
i18n.load( daDK );

// let's do some translation!
console.log( i18n.t( 'hello world' ) );
// outputs 'hej verden!'

Translation with tokens

Mismatched number of tokens and replacements will not generate errors, but your output might not be what you expected ;-)

// create a language set
var daDK = {
    locale : 'da-DK',
    values : {
        'hello {1}' : 'hej {1}',
        'hello {1} {2}', '{2} {1} hej!'

// load the language set
i18n.load( daDK );

// let's do some translation!
console.log( i18n.t( 'hello {1}', 'Morgan' ) );
// outputs 'hej Morgan'

// now let's try with multiple tokens, but with output in different order
console.log( i18n.t( 'hello {1} {2}', 'Morgan', 'Roderick' ) );
// outputs 'Morgan Roderick hej!'