
API to manage registries with keyed data properties having prototyping inheritance

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status NPM Version Dependency Status devDependency Status Coverage StatusNPM


A utility to manage registries with values having prototyping inheritance.

The idea is simply to have maps of (key, value) where a map can inherit from another map, i.e. if a key is missing in child map it can be found in parent map. This is like the standard proto inheritance of Javascript but this utility offers a transparent API and allows to manage many registries with a registrar manager.


npm i -S @imed.ch/registrar-heir


This module manages 1..n registrars, each managing 1..n registries of values.

  • a factory provides the interface to instanciate registrars or to retrieve existing ones.
  • a registrar manages a set of registries.
  • id is a unique value (any type) to identifiy a registrar.
  • a registry contains a map of data properties (its values).
  • a registry is identified by a namespace which is unique for a registrar and is of type Symbol or string (excluding character @).
  • a data property is a (key value) tuple. When member of a registry values we say it is owned by the registry.
  • a key is a Symbol or string (excluding character @).
  • a fully qualified namespace (FQN, fqn) for a registrar is the concatenation of namespace @ key for strings or a tuple (namespace, key) if one is a Symbol. Valid namespace strings are : ch.imed.types@device, @device (default namespace is the top registry).
  • a registry must inherit from another registry of the same registrar.
  • a top registry is created with a new registrar and has no parent to inherit from.
  • getting a value by key returns the owned registry[key] value or an ancestor registry value for the key, up to a top registry (namespace ''). Inheritance is prototype based

API Summary

see detailed documentation.

You should never instanciate a registrar or a registry with new but through factory:


const { ids, Registrar, SafeRegistrar } = require('@imed.ch/registrar-heir');

// Functions
ids()  {Array}                             // get registrar ids
Registrar(id)  {Registrar}                 // factory to make a new registrar or get an existing one
SafeRegistrar(id)  {Registrar|undefined}   // get an existing registry (do not make a new one)


var id = 'city';
var officer = Registrar(id);              // make a registrar or get an existing one
// var topRegistry = officer.Registry();  // always instanciated at registrar instanciation

// Getters
officer.id  string|Symbol               // get the id this registrar was created with
officer.namespaces  Array               // get all namespaces for registry owned by this registrar

// Functions
officer.Registry(namespace [, parentRegistry = topRegistry])  {RegistryHeir} // registry factory
officer.hasRegistry(namespaceOrFqnOrRegistry)                 {boolean} // test if registry exists
officer.get(namespaceOrFQN [, keyOrUndefined])                {value} // alias to registry.key
officer.has(namespaceOrFQN [, keyOrUndefined])                {boolean} // alias to registry.has
officer.keys(namespaceOrFQN)                                  {Array} // alias to registry.keys
officer.own(namespaceOrFQN [, keyOrUndefinedopt])             {boolean} // alias to registry.own
officer.ownKeys(namespaceOrFQN)                               {Array} // alias to registry.ownKeys
officer.remove(namespaceOrFQN [, keyOrUndefinedopt])          {boolean}  // alias to registry.remove
officer.set(namespaceOrFQN [, keyOrValue], value [, force])   {*} // alias to registry.set
officer.setAlias(namespaceOrFQN, key, aliases)                {string|Symbol}  // alias to registry.setAlias


// type of key => string | Symbol
var namespace = 'org.standard';
var registry = registrar.Registry(namespace);

// Getters
registry.namespace                  string|symbol  // get the namespace of this registry
registry.keys                       Array          // get the keys of this registry
registry.ownKeys                    Array          // get the own of this registry

// Functions
registry.get(key)                   value           // get value for a key
registry.set(key, value [, force])  value | throw RegistryError if force !== true && key-value already owned
registry.remove(key)                {boolean}       // remove a key value
registry.setAlias(key, aliases)     key             // set an [array of] alias for the key
registry.has(key)                   {boolean}       // test if registry has a value for the key
registry.own(key)                   {boolean}       // test if a value for the key is owned by this registry
registry.getToTop(key)              {Array}         // get a list of values for this key,
//                                                      from this registry to the top registry


In case of a malformed or wrong types of namespace or key, or any other error this module raises, a RegistryError is thrown with an explanation message.

Usage by example

// Try this step by step in a shell terminal:
const Factory = require('..');
let registrar = Factory.Registrar('city');
let standardRegistry = registrar.Registry('org.standard');
let imedRegistry = registrar.Registry('ch.imed', standardRegistry); // inherit from standard registry
let topRegistry = registrar.Registry();
registrar.set('@image', {type: 'tiff'}); // => { type: 'tiff' }
  // in top registry, same as : topRegistry.set('image', {type: 'tiff'});
topRegistry.get('image'); // => { type: 'tiff' }
standardRegistry.set('image', {type: 'GIF'}); // => { type: 'GIF' }
 // or : registrar.set('org.standard@image', {type: 'GIF'});
 try {
  registrar.set('org.standard@image', {type: 'GIF'});
  // => RegistryError: [registrar] #set : value name 'image' already owned by registry 'org.standard', use force option
 } catch (error) {
	 console.error('CATCHED :', error.message);
standardRegistry.set('image', {type: 'png'}, true); // => { type: 'png' }
topNamespace = topRegistry.namespace; // => Symbol(top registry of registrar 'city')
registrar.get(topNamespace, 'image'); // => { type: 'tiff' }
imedRegistry.get('image'); // => { type: 'png' }
 // or: registrar.get('ch.imed@image'); // => { type: 'png' }
 const jpegType = {type: 'jpeg'};
imedRegistry.set('image', jpegType); // => {type: 'jpeg'}
 // or : registrar.set('ch.imed@image', {type: 'jpeg'});
imedRegistry.get('image'); // => {type: 'jpeg'}
 // or registrar.get('ch.imed@image'); // => {type: 'jpeg'}
imedRegistry.get('image'); // => {type: 'jpeg'}
 // or : registrar.get('ch.imed', 'image'); // => {type: 'jpeg'}
standardRegistry.get('image'); // => { type: 'png' }
 // or : registrar.get('org.standard', 'image'); // => { type: 'png' }
topRegistry.get('image'); // => { type: 'tiff' }
 // or : registrar.get(null, 'image'); // => { type: 'tiff' }
topRegistry.get('image'); // => { type: 'tiff' }
imedRegistry.set('video', 'mp4'); // => mp4
standardRegistry.set('music', 'classic'); // => classic

// #getToTop - getting values from a registry traversing to top registry:
const inspect = (o) => JSON.stringify(o);
// =>
// music => [{},{"org.standard":"classic"},{}]
// image => [{"ch.imed":{"type":"jpeg"}},{"org.standard":{"type":"png"}},{}]
// video => [{"ch.imed":"mp4"},{},{}]
// null => [{"ch.imed":{"image":{"type":"jpeg"},"video":"mp4"}},{"org.standard":{"image":{"type":"png"},"music":"classic"}},{}]
// => etc. (i.e. for each key an array of key-value, each item being the value of the key in )

let values = imedRegistry.getToTop()[0]['ch.imed']; // imedRegistry values assigned to an object
console.log('imedRegistry values :', inspect(values));
// => imedRegistry values : {"image":{"type":"jpeg"},"video":"mp4"}

console.warn('-- Be aware that you can update any object variable and it will be reflected to values inside registries');
console.log('before tagging :', inspect(imedRegistry.get('image'))); // => {"type":"jpeg"}
jpegType.tag = 'modified';
console.log('after tagging  :', inspect(imedRegistry.get('image'))); // => {"type":"jpeg","tag":"modified"}
console.warn('-- To prevent this behavior freeze your value before storing them in a registry, see Object#freeze');

values.tag = 'ch.imed tagged';
console.log('after tagging ch.imed :', inspect(imedRegistry.getToTop(), null, 2));
// => [{"ch.imed":{"image":{"type":"jpeg","tag":"modified"},"video":"mp4","tag":"ch.imed tagged"}},{"org.standard":{"image":{"type":"png"},"music":"classic"}},{}]

Read documentation and tests for more details.


Modules for testing should be installed globally or locally as dev dependencies with :

npm i -g chai coveralls mocha nyc           # global install
npm i --save-dev chai coveralls mocha nyc   # local to module

Execute tests with :

npm test


To generate documentation you should have some installed modules :

(a) either globally allong side with one of JSDoc template :

npm install -g jsdoc minami
## if you prefer another template =>
npm install -g jsdoc better-docs

also update the "opts" property in jsdoc.json file :

"opts": {
        "template": "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/minami"


  • minami can be replaced by name of template your installed, like better-docs.

  • /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ is the global path to modules (OSX). You can find the correct path with :

    npm root -g
    # => /usr/local/lib/node_modules

(b) or as local module dev-dependencies 

npm install --save-dev jsdoc minami

Build documentation with&nbsp:

npm run docs

It will generate the documentation and open its index.html file. It's a shortcut of:

npm run generate-docs
npm run show-docs

Last command should open file ./docs/node-ifconfig.me/<version>/index.html (e.g. ./docs/node-ifconfig.me/0.1.0/index.html) in your browser.

Release History

  • 1.0.4 first stable release. -- Thu Apr 09 2020 21:30:45 GMT+0200 (GMT+02:00)
  • 0.9.0 README, doc and tests completed -- 2020-04-07T23:48:03.538Z
  • 0.2.6 added support for pre-commit.
  • 0.2.5 cleaning -- Sun Jul 28 10:33:51 CEST 2019
  • 0.1.0 base template -- Wed Jul 17 19:33:38 CEST 2019


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