
Asteroids arcade game written with javascript and canvas.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Asteroids Code Climate

Asteroids game screenshot

Tech Inventory

  • Object-oriented javascript, from scratch
  • HTML5 Canvas
  • Sprinkling of jQuery for keyboard stuff


Asteroids is more experiment than finished game since there are no win conditions. It's one of the first things I made using javascript, and it was a great way to wrap my head around javascript's prototypical inheritance. The game has several different types of objects (the spaceship, bullets, asteroids) that have specific behaviors but have a common need to know where they are, move around, etc. This is easily accomplished by having a base object, MovingObject.prototype, that all other objects delegate to (a.k.a. "inherit from").

Here's a simplified snippet showing the inheritance pattern:

(function () {
    var Asteroids = window.Asteroids = (window.Asteroids || {});

    var MovingObject = Asteroids.MovingObject = function (options) {
      // initialization code to set up position, speed, etc.
    MovingObject.prototype.move = function () {
      // complex logic to update object's position
      // based on position, speed, angular velocity, 
      // direction, acceleration, etc.

    var Ship = Asteroids.Ship = function (options) {
      // Ship-specific initialization would go here
      Asteroids.MovingObject.call(this, options)
    Ship.prototype = new MovingObject();
    Ship.prototype.constructor = Ship;

    // Repeat a similar procedure for Asteroid and Bullet constructors.

To understand what's happening here, you have to know that every object has a hidden [[Prototype]] property that is set by the constructor function at creation time to whatever is at the constructor's .prototype property. Whenever we try to access a property that an object doesn't have, it defers to its prototype. So when we try to access a property on an object, the interpreter will check that object, then the object's prototype, then the prototype's prototype, etc until it finds a defined property with that name or reaches the end of the prototype chain and returns undefined. For this reason, it's best to avoid long prototype chains because accessing properties high up on the chain is relatively slow.

As a more concrete example, let's say I want to call ship.move() on a Ship instance that I create with var ship = new Asteroids.Ship(). Well, ship doesn't have a property called move and neither does the prototype of ship (e.g. Asteroids.Ship.prototype) which was an instance of Asteroids.MovingObject. But the prototype's prototype, e.g. Asteroids.MovingObject.prototype will have a function under the move property name.

I want to give a shoutout to Kyle Simpson for explaining prototypical inheritance (better known as "behavior delegation") in a way that actually makes sense.

Notes on render performance

While refactoring, I got a big render performance boost when I replaced window.setInterval with window.requestAnimationFrame, which is a new timer API available in HTML5. The browser calls the requestAnimationFrame (rAF) callback before each repaint, however often that might be. Browser implementations of rAF have platform-specific knowledge that allows timing to be optimized and avoid dropped frames and other visual jank that crops up when a timer (even a reliable one, which window.setInterval is not) is out of sync with browser repaints.

The "game" still has performance problems when too many asteroids are added because a lot of calculation is happening to draw the irregularly shaped asteroid polygons in canvas. In a real game where performance is a serious concern, I would replace these complex geometric objects with a prerendered sprite.