
URL to internal Database

AtlanGon opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using the internal DB on my Nextcloud server (in a Docker Container).
I tried different Android apps for my phone, but for those I need the URL to the kdbx file.
I can't find it in the container and the URL is also not shown anywhere. I don't want to use a file in the files storage.


This is the same as for every other file in your Nextcloud. You need to use WebDAV. Also see https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/user_manual/en/files/access_webdav.html.

The format of the URL would be: https://<SERVER>/remote.php/dav/files/<USER>/<FILENAME>
or: https://<SERVER>/remote.php/dav/files/<USER>/<PATH/.../<FILENAME>

For example if your server is https://my.example.com and your username atlangon and the KeePass file is named database.kdbx in the folder passwords, this would be:


If you don't use a subfolder in Nextcloud, this would be:


Thanks for the fast reply.

I'm aware of that.

My problem is, the DB is not a file in https://my.example.com/remote.php/webdav/ like database.kdbx or /passwords/database.kdbx
I get those files easily.

My DB is in the internal storage of keeweb.

The internal storage of Keeweb is only the storage of your browser. There is no URL to it.