
Add NC24 compatibility

xkill opened this issue · 9 comments

xkill commented

Please, add NC24 compatibility


edit /apps/keeweb/appinfo/info.xml and set max-version="25"

Thanks! Does this mean there is no incompatibility issue between keeweb and version 24?

Unfortunately I did not have time yet to update the basic application structure and Keeweb still uses some deprecated things (also see #195). However Keeweb should still work in NC 24 as well. I hope to get the next major update finished within the next weeks.

Thanks! Really appreciate your work here. Having keepass in nextcloud is very, very valuable. I updated using LarsBel suggestion and it appears to be working, for now.

Closed with e3e10ba

Unfortunatley, Keeweb can not be built any longer. The latest version is v1.18.7 from July 2021. This version now produces errors when building.

It seems, the project is dead, until there is a new maintainer:


Unfortunately I have no time at all to maintain Keeweb besides my other projects. So for the time being there will not be any update as long as there is no maintainer of Keeweb who can at least fix the build.

Bummer! I really hope someone takes up the project because it's important. Keeweb is the best way to keep moving forward with .kdbx password safe files, stored locally or on nextcloud. And I really value it as an open source software project.

Thanks for your work making keeweb work so nicely in nextcloud, hitherto. Much appreciated! 🤗

Fortunately at least the build could be fixed and there is now a new version which supports NC 24 as well.

However the major issue remains - KeeWeb itself needs a new maintainer. I also posted this to https://help.nextcloud.com/t/help-keeweb-upstream-needs-a-new-maintainer/139045