
Episodes list not showing

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
When I open the episodes screen, I see a loader briefly. After that, the layout for the episodes shows up, but there's not a single episode listed. This happens in all the shows

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Search for a show
  2. Enter its detail page
  3. Click on the "Episodes" tab
  4. See the error

Expected behavior
A list of the show episodes shows up


TV (please complete the following information):

  • Model: UN55TU7000FXZX
  • Software version: T-KTSU2AKUC-2401.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

It was solved, any problem let me know.

Hello, I'm having this exact same problem on v1.1.2

My TV model is UN65AU7000G
Software version: T-KSU2EUABC-2141.2

hi @EnDavino, could you tell me what anime you are trying to watch and if you selected it from the home list, home continue watching, history, browse or search to find the cause and fix it

I tried with anime with different amounts of episodes such as Dragon Ball, Z, GT, One Piece, Mushoku Tensei and The Great Cleric. None of them worked.

I selected it from the home list, search and continue watching with no success in any of them. The only way I found was choosing an epsiode on PC, watch some seconds and then hit play on "continue watching" when the new episode appears on the TV app.

If you need more info let me know, thank you!