
Add support for -G

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I am working with the PagerDuty REST API. Here is the command I am trying to convert:

curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token token=$PAGERDUTY_ACCESS_KEY" -X GET -G --data-urlencode "since=2017-01-16" --data-urlencode "until=2017-01-17"  "https://company.pagerduty.com/api/v1/schedules" 

The two --data-urlencode entries do not show up in the converted code. Am I correct in assuming there is no -G support?

Did you ever find a solution to this? @cohenaj194

I faced this problem too. Did some investigation and research, and this is the answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13660841/4075379


--data-urlencode "since=2017-01-16" --data-urlencode "until=2017-01-17"  


  since: "2017-01-16",
  until: "2017-01-17",