
Unconnected Pong

james090500 opened this issue · 1 comments

Trying to Connect a friend to my (Geyser)[https://geysermc.org/] server with this script but it's reporting a "Recieved Unconnected Pong from server.

I am not sure what else this could be. Without debug we are seeing connections trying to come in but nothing show on Xbox.

@echo off
phantom-windows.exe -server play.capecraft.net:19132 -6 -debug



I am having the same problem. This issue started when I updated the server to Bedrock v1.19.

The server shows up on the Xbox Lan game list when I stop the server and the "Server Offline" message appears on the LAN Game server list. However, when I restart the server the game vanishes from the Lan Game list.

The server is definitely running because I can connect using Minecraft on a Windows computer or on the Xbox using the Bedrock Together app.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks