
Incorrect in extract with Korea characters

Closed this issue · 5 comments

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. I don't know exactly how explain this, so please see the attachment file

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Expected: correct characters

but only half of it, I'm not family with perl

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

Please provide any additional information below.

Original issue reported on code.google.com by son...@gmail.com on 13 Oct 2008 at 7:01


The file you've added claims it is XML (based on its file-extension), but it is 
It looks like SGML to me. The encoding looks like UTF-8. The SGML to XML 
tool I use is sx, available from http://www.jclark.com/sp/howtoget.htm. You'll 
to configure those tools to handle UTF-8 to convert your TEI file to XML, after 
you should be able to apply the transform from HTML to TEI.

Original comment by jhellingman on 15 Oct 2008 at 6:09

Original comment by jhellingman on 15 Oct 2008 at 7:05

  • Changed state: Accepted
  • Added labels: Type-Enhancement
  • Removed labels: Type-Defect

Original comment by jhellingman on 15 Oct 2008 at 7:07


I found that it encodes in Unicode 16bit and little endian, so that why I got 
I correct something as below.
Thank you very much.

use utf8;
use open ":utf8";
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");

opendir(D0,"./") || die "cannot open:./*.*\n"; ##First, open current directory

@dir=readdir(D0); ##Load all files under current the directory to the array @dir


@dictmain=grep {/^.*\.txt$/} @dir; ##Taking only files with extension .txt and
loading them to an array @dictmain

foreach $fileeee (@dictmain){      ##Taking out a file one by one

   open (PR, "<:raw:encoding(UTF-16LE):crlf", "$fileeee")
   or die $!; # from left to right
   open (OUTF, ">:utf8", "$fileeee.utf8") or die $!;
   $/=undef; #is used so that the file is not matched line by line like grep.

   while (<PR>) {
      $a = $_;
      $a =~ s/<!(.|[\r\n])*]>//g; #Remove comment
      #Remove header
      $a=~ s/<[Tt]ei[Hh]eader(.|[\r\n])*\/[Tt]ei[Hh]eader>//gse; #If you want keep
texts in header, commenting this line

      $a =~ s/^\s+//; #Remove heading and trailing space
      $a =~ s/\s+$//;

      $a =~ s/<.*?>//g; #Remove other tags
      printf OUTF $a . "\n";
   close PR;
   close OUTF;


Original comment by son...@gmail.com on 19 Oct 2008 at 8:27

Issue resolved outside tei2html.

Original comment by jhellingman on 3 Jan 2010 at 9:36

  • Changed state: Invalid