
tips & tricks section

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I'm not sure how to best do this, but it would be cool to have a page for blog posts about distill!


I was definitely thinking of adding the blog for posting tips & tricks, but I hadn't thought of pulling together existing posts! I wonder if I could just ask the authors if they'd be willing to copy over a post and note the attribution back to their site? I'll go ahead and set up the blog and maybe start asking.

Here ist my darkmode explanation: https://jmbuhr.de/posts/2021-03-14-making-a-darkmode-for-your-distill-site/

Love it! Feel free to add it to _posts yourself if you'd like, otherwise I can add it later today.

I'd like to have a template line to add at the top of every post citing where it came from. Something like:

> Note: This post was originally written by [author]() on [blog]() - see the original post [here]()

Okay, so I just found out that there is a function to import posts to your blog! This will make it much easier to add others' posts. Now I will just ask for permission to include their post, then I can import it directly - no need to re-build it!

Ah of course! And M-F-E-O: postcards + distill by Alison Hill, too!

Okay, all of the posts suggested here are now up - it's such a nice little collection!
I'll leave this issue open in case others want to make suggestions here.

Hi, I just made a post on using github actions with R markdown and distill websites, feel free to add it if you want: https://www.etiennebacher.com/posts/2021-03-19-use-github-actions-with-r-markdown-and-distill/

Thanks! I was going to write something similar for deploying a distill site on the gh-pages branch, which is what I do for this site and my personal site, but this is a great intro to the general idea of using github actions! I'll add it to the posts.

@etiennebacher your post is up!

Hi John, I made a post on building a gallery in a distill website, you can add it if you want: https://www.etiennebacher.com/posts/2021-04-11-how-to-create-a-gallery-in-distill/

Hi John, I made a post on building a gallery in a distill website, you can add it if you want: https://www.etiennebacher.com/posts/2021-04-11-how-to-create-a-gallery-in-distill/

Very cool! I'll definitely add this!

As a complete novice in the world of programming in general, I have recently made and published my first website through the distill package. In my first ever blog on that side, I talk about some general mistakes, I made, which can make it easier for other people getting started with building websites. It also includes links to resources I used for making a website through distill.


Thanks @Hitesh-Fulwani , I'll try and add it next chance I get.

Recently, I came up with hacky floating TOC solution for my use case. You may feel tempted to try it (code included).


Thanks @radovan-miletic! I just added your post to the tips & tricks section.