
Inspecting / time travelling state changes of React component on Redux DevTools Extension or React Native Debugger

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

remotedev-react-state Build Status NPM version Greenkeeper badge

Inspecting / time travelling state changes of React component on Redux DevTools Extension or React Native Debugger, inspired by the article - Redux DevTools without Redux, make it as simple util.


import React from 'react'
import connectToDevTools from 'remotedev-react-state'

class App extends React.Component {
  state = { count: 0 }

  componentWillMount() {
    // Connect to devtools after setup initial state
    connectToDevTools(this/*, options */)


See the example.

connectToDevTools(instance, options)

  • instance - A react instance, you could get this in component lifecycle or by ref.
  • options - Exposed options used for connect API of redux-devtools-extension. We have specific options:
    • name: String - Name of devtools instance, Component - {display name} by default.
    • actionName: String | Function - The action name will be displayed on devtools, you could use function(state) for return action name. State change by default.


Create connectToDevTools function can be used for component ref prop.


<App ref={connectToDevTools.ref(/* options */)} />

If you haven't redux-devtools-extension on your environment (Any react renderer that not on Chrome/Firefox/Electron/React Native Debugger), it will use the remote API of remotedev.


  • Remove devtools instance when component unmount
