
Tabs not rendering as tabs

AndrewBreyen opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I have tabs set up like this:

<!-- tabs:start -->

#### Manage


#### Deploy


<!-- tabs:end -->

Renders as: (screenshots redacted)

In index.html,

window.$docsify = {
      tabs: {
        persist    : true,      // default
        sync       : true,      // default
        theme      : 'classic', // default
        tabComments: true,      // default
        tabHeadings: true       // default
 <!-- PLUGINS -->
 <!-- Docsify v4 -->
 <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify@4"></script>
 <!-- docsify-tabs (latest v1.x.x) -->
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify-tabs@1"></script>

I also have in the HEAD section of index.html:

    :root {
      --docsifytabs-border-color: #ededed;
      --docsifytabs-tab-highlight-color: purple;

Am I missing something with this?

<!-- docsify-tabs (latest v1.x.x) -->
 <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/docsify-tabs@1"></script>

I tried this yesterday and it works,but today it doesn't work.

Having the same issue as stated above with almost the same config except for having text instead of images.

I have this issue as well.

Closing due to inactivity.

However, it is worth nothing that the tab titles in the issues description are incorrect:

#### Manage

Tab headings require H4 + bold text:

#### **Manage**

Correct markdown:

<!-- tabs:start -->

#### **Manage**


#### **Deploy**


<!-- tabs:end -->