
JDL microservice and entities keyword behavior

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Overview of the issue

Behavior of these two JDL keywords are not that intuitive, also they does not cover all the use cases.

Motivation for or Use Case

My proposal would be to move the 'microservice' keyword into the 'application' section to be more flexible and change the behavior of certain combination

Reproduce the error

As of today, we can play with that two keywords in that way:

  1. Only using entities keyword
application {
  config {
    baseName ms
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA

application {
  config {
    baseName gw
  entities TestA

entity TestA (testA) {
    id Long
    title String required

Current behavior

Generates the entity in the two backends, but gateway form only for gateway backend API

Expected behavior

Generates backends entity and forms for both backends, adding a textual differentiator in the 'Entities' frontend menu (ms/gw)

  1. Using the 'microservice' keyword for microservice
application {
  config {
    baseName ms
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA

application {
  config {
    baseName gw
  entities TestA

entity TestA (testA) {
    id Long
    title String required

microservice TestA with ms

Current behavior

Generate backend in the ms, forms in the gw

Expected behavior
Here, we do not have modified anything concerning the gw application configuration, but the behavior of the generation in that component changed: there's no more backend entity. Also, the frontend forms are now redirecting to the 'ms' backend instead of the 'gw' that was achieved in the former jdl.
It would have make sense if the 'microservice' keyword was put within the application#gw object

  1. Using microservice for both components

If we finally use that configuration:

application {
  config {
    baseName ms
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA

application {
  config {
    baseName gw
  entities TestA

entity TestA (testA) {
    id Long
    title String required

microservice TestA with ms
microservice TestA with gw

Actual behavior
Here, it's even worse:

  • Frontend is generated targeting the gw service (that will be wrongly routet as the endpoint call is made to /gw/api/... instead of /api/...
  • gw backend isn't generated
  • ms backend is also not generated

Expected behavior
Not generating that configuration at all...


Covered use cases

As of today, we can

  • Generate backend in both components, but only have forms for one of them (the gateway one).
  • Generate backend in a microservice and a frontend for it.

Uncovered use case
Patterns like CDC/CQRS, which would need to generate backend in both services and has two frontends forms to call one or the other.

  • ms entities will be called for commands (create/update) then send a message in a topic with the update
  • gw will receive message and update it's tables. it's endpoints will be called for querying/search, Etc.
Suggest a Fix
  • moving the 'microservice' keyword in application used only when we have a 'gateway' applicationType
  • improving the 'with' section of this microservice attribute to allow multiple references, being either gateways or microservices.

Expected behaviors

  1. When we want no backend in the gateway
application {
  config {
    baseName ms
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA
application {
  config {
    baseName ms2
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA

application {
  config {
    baseName gw
  entities TestA
  microservice TestA with ms, ms2

entity TestA (testA) {
    id Long
    title String required

Specifying the microservice attribute in the gateway application won't generate backend and frontend forms for the entity at the gateway level. It will only generate frontend forms calling the microservices

  1. When we want backend in the gateway


application {
  config {
    baseName ms
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA

application {
  config {
    baseName gw
  entities TestA
  microservice TestA with ms, gw

entity TestA (testA) {
    id Long
    title String required

And same expected behavior if we do not use the 'microservice' attribute.
Generates the backend everywhere and the according frontends forms.

  1. skipClient

I would also suggest to move skipClient in the application section, that will permit to have a finer grain of control (generating client in a gateway but not on another), as well as permitting to generate backend on the gateway without generating it's according frontend.

JHipster Version(s)


JHipster configuration

Any configuration using microservice

  • Checking this box is mandatory (this is just to show you read everything)

There seems to be more than one issue here, this makes it all kinda hard to read and understand. Give me time to parse everything

Only using entities keyword

Generates the entity in the two backends, but gateway form only for gateway backend API

Generates backends entity and forms for both backends, adding a textual differentiator in the 'Entities' frontend menu (ms/gw)

I don't understand. What do you mean by "form"? Do you mean the visual form where the user can do the CUD actions? I really don't understand the issue...

Using the 'microservice' keyword for microservice

Generate backend in the ms, forms in the gw

Here, we do not have modified anything concerning the gw application configuration, but the behavior of the generation in that component changed: there's no more backend entity. Also, the frontend forms are now redirecting to the 'ms' backend instead of the 'gw' that was achieved in the former jdl.

It's weird the backend isn't generated in the GW.

It would have make sense if the 'microservice' keyword was put within the application#gw object

Stay tuned.

Using microservice for both components

The example should throw an error. Using the MS option with a value referencing a GW app should fail.


application {
  config {
    baseName ms
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA
application {
  config {
    baseName ms2
    applicationType microservice
  entities TestA

application {
  config {
    baseName gw
  entities TestA
  microservice TestA with ms, ms2

entity TestA (testA) {
    id Long
    title String required

Having an option declaration in the application "scope" is a feature that will be implemented. However microservice TestA with ms, ms2 in an application scope doesn't make much sense (especially if this option is in a gateway application scope).

#### When we want no backend in the gateway

Why not use skipServer?

When we want backend in the gateway

It should be by default unless I'm missing something in this case.


I would also suggest to move skipClient in the application section, that will permit to have a finer grain of control (generating client in a gateway but not on another), as well as permitting to generate backend on the gateway without generating it's according frontend.

Having the option be available everywhere allows to be more precise than just in the application scope, don't you think? What about a JDL file where there's no defined application but just entities. This suggestion might block a use case.

Sorry @MathieuAA for the multiple concerns here, didn't find any way to split it properly...

I don't understand. What do you mean by "form"? Do you mean the visual form where the user can do the CUD actions? I really don't understand the issue...

Yes, speaking about CRUD forms generated by JH to let the user manipulate entities (in the angular generator, everything's located in app/entities and app/shared/model

Having an option declaration in the application "scope" is a feature that will be implemented. However microservice TestA with ms, ms2 in an application scope doesn't make much sense (especially if this option is in a gateway application scope).

Microservice keyword would mean 'I want to be able to communicate with backend entities that are located there', meaning that we must generate that backend endpoints as well as the according frontend forms.

Why not use skipServer

Skipserver will also skip the frontend forms generation (as the endpoints won't be there) so I don't get that keyword, or at least it's not clear enough: that's why I was in favor of the 'microservice' keyword (microservice acting as a whitelist, skipServer being a blacklist, both covering the same area).
Still, It can be a good candidate to replace the 'microservice' keyword as described previously: a combination of 'skipClient', 'skipServer ... with list of microservices and gateways' and 'entities' within an 'application' would suffice to cover everything if I'm not wrong. Up to the community to choose which one is the more meaningful


I don't get a use case when there are entities without application: to me and following our private mailing list it should no longer be supported in the short term.

The current situation (having it out of the application object) is blocking the following use case:

application { // Here I want frontend and backend
  config {
    baseName gw
    applicationType gateway
  entities TestA

application { // Here I want only backend
  config {
    baseName gw2
    applicationType gateway
  entities TestA
  skipClient TestA

entity TestA (testA) {
    id Long
    title String required

I think all this is a matter of vocabulary, so let's get this done first (sit tight, this is hair-pulling stuff, don't say I didn't warn you):

  • The microservice app type means two things:
    • All the app entities will have the microserviceName option set in their .json files.
    • The clientRootFolder option will be automatically set for the target entities with the value being the app's name... It's actually needed for the generation to work for gateway apps.
  • The microservice option, however, would not make much sense in this case because of the entities keyword (inside the application scope)... however
    • Right now, it sets the microserviceName option! (that covers the use case where a user doesn't declare his/her applications in JDL files.
    • So we have to keep it (for now at least).
  • skipClient means we don't generate the front-end code.
    • The only use case I can think of is when you have an entity that you don't wanna share with the front-end (I can think of a few patterns here, but that's not the point)
  • skipServer means we don't generate the back-end code.
  • These two options can be confusing...

I'm not in favor of changing the meaning of a keyword. I like to add and deprecate (then delete) keywords, but changing them can have a heavy toll on the user.
I'll read again what you wrote and think it over.

Thanks a lot for the explanations and the ideas. I think there's definitely something to be done here.

Let me give a try.

  • microservice is mandatory (to set the gateway route for microservice) and shall be at the global level (all gateways will route to the same prefix). So we won't change it and everything is fine as of now.

  • skipClient shall be at the application level because it would permit to generate frontend in one gateway but not in an other. Also, this one shall be only applicable to monolith and gateways. The with section should allow multiple elements
    Open question:

  • given a microservice m1 with an entity A
  • given a microservice m2 with an entity A
  • given a gateway gw
    => How can I skip the client of m1 in gw without skipping m2?
  • skipServer shall be at the application level because it would permit to generate backend in one gateway but not in an other. Also, this one shall be only applicable to monolith and gateways. Finally, it shall also automatically trigger 'skipClient' (otherwise, the result won't be functional). The with section should allow multiple elements

  • entities behavior shall be modified to generate the backend entities on the gateways

Would it make sense? we aren't modifying keyword meaning and not modifying the entire dsl that much. Doing so will let us handle most of the use cases

A part of this issue will be resolved once options are available in the application scope (without breaking change, which is good).
I've given much thought about this in the past few days (during the the implementation of options in applications) and rethinking how options are handled at multiple levels should be done right after and documented.

Sure :-), I'm also following the application scope issue!
What about

  1. exchanging on this or multiple tickets if we can split the problematics
  2. Agree between community members
  3. Implements and only merge when the according documentation is here