
JDL should add 'generator-jhipster' prefix to blueprints.

mshima opened this issue · 11 comments

Overview of the issue

Blueprints jdl options should allow blueprints [vuejs] value.
To keep consistency with cli jhipster --blueprints vuejs.

And all blueprints should be merged unique by name.

Motivation for or Use Case
Reproduce the error

blueprints [vuejs] creates

blueprints: {
  name: 'vuejs'

at .yo-rc.json.

Should be

blueprints: {
  name: 'generator-jhipster-vuejs'
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JHipster configuration
Entity configuration(s) entityName.json files generated in the .jhipster directory
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Two comments later: I've finally re-read the issue (sorry, I shouldn't ever read issues in the morning). Okay

Thanks @MathieuAA.
About merging with .yo-rc.json existing values unique by name?
It's too difficult?

Currently it's overriding .yo-rc.json values.

Quite easy I guess. Can't do it today though

@MathieuAA no problem.

@mshima didn't think about it yesterday: why would we merge?

@MathieuAA do you think we should force to set update the jdl too?

jhipster import-jdl foo-with-kotlin --blueprints vuejs
jhipster import-jdl foo-updated-with-kotlin

The second jhipster import-jdl will remove the vuejs blueprint and create angular files with the existing vuejs files.
Seems right to me to don't require the user to add vuejs to jdl or adding the cli option when regenerating.

It's simple. We should remove the --blueprints option. Anything that can be overridden by JDL "code" shouldn't be an option.

Again, I don't get why we should merge... There should be precedence rules.

I am thinking about jhipster/generator-jhipster#11770.
So jhipster jdl https://github.com/jhipster/jdl-samples/blob/master/library.jh --blueprints vuejs should export the jdl once the import is done.

Again, I don't think it's a good idea to provide blueprints from the CLI instead of providing them from the JDL file.

This is related to kickstarting a sample application with user customised options.

Just forget about this.