
Starting v2.7.9 Project Generation Creates Empty Directory with only .yo-rc.json File

SudharakaP opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Describe the bug

Starting v2.7.9 the project generation creates an empty directory with only the .yo-rc.json file. For now I've reverted back to v2.7.8 in production until we fix this issue.

Expected behavior

The project should be correctly generated with all the files.



@SudharakaP : I had the same problem in the past. See my message https://groups.google.com/g/jhipster-dev/c/M6P-6Fp0xiI/m/UNpU2YreAQAJ in the mailing list

The problem came from the Node version which was outdated.
Maybe it's not related to this, but if it can help...

@SudharakaP : I had the same problem in the past. See my message https://groups.google.com/g/jhipster-dev/c/M6P-6Fp0xiI/m/UNpU2YreAQAJ in the mailing list

The problem came from the Node version which was outdated.
Maybe it's not related to this, but if it can help...

@pascalgrimaud : Thanks a lot. I know this has occurred to me too and I fixed it before. Last night up-to now I was trying to recall what I did last time. ๐Ÿ˜„ I'll take a look at that mailing thread. ๐Ÿ˜„

Then, another thing to investigage: I don't know if we use yarn or npm ... I think we used both. I don't know if it works well

Then, another thing to investigage: I don't know if we use yarn or npm ... I think we used both. I don't know if it works well

We only use yarn in this project. I don't see anywhere we use npm anymore. ๐Ÿ˜„

@pascalgrimaud : Found the problem. We have two options we removed in the generator which we still had on the jhipster-online side. I created a PR. Could you take a quick look before I merge it and create a new deployment. ๐Ÿ˜„