
Does the project not support the creation of gateways? The gateway I created failed to log in and the page does not have a header

QAQtutu opened this issue · 4 comments

Overview of the issue

Unable to log in and the page does not have a header

JHipster Version(s)

generator-jhipster-vuejs 1.9.2
generator-jhipster 6.10.3

Browsers and Operating System

win10 chrome

Hi @QAQtutu : which options did you choose, when creating your gateway ?

Microservice gateway > N( Spring WebFlux) > JHipster Registry > JHipster UAA server > MySQL > No
cache > N(Hibernate 2nd level cache) > Maven

I created a React version of the gateway and it works very well. But I only use Vue

Ok, it's because UAA is not supported for Vue.js

Unless someone wants to code this part, it won't be done, so no support.