
Fail to run flutter run on iOS Simulator

Closed this issue · 1 comments


When I tried to run flutter run with a ios simuator. I got the following error.

Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone XR in debug mode...
Starting Xcode build...
├─Assembling Flutter resources... 2.2s

└─Compiling, linking and signing... 6.3s

Xcode build done. 10.8s
Syncing files to device iPhone XR...
flutter: [FINE][2019-01-25 22:28:42.215502][WeatherBloc]: Setup timer
flutter: [FINE][2019-01-25 22:28:42.231808][WeatherBloc]: Fetch weather for user location
*** First throw call stack:
0 CoreFoundation 0x000000010b1b91bb __exceptionPreprocess + 331
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x000000010a757735 objc_exception_throw + 48
2 CoreFoundation 0x000000010b1b8d29 -[NSException raise] + 9
3 permission_handler 0x000000010a0c3e14 $S18permission_handler26LocationPermissionStrategyC07requestD00A017completionHandleryAA0D5GroupO_yAA0D6StatusOctF + 3108
4 permission_handler 0x000000010a0c514b $S18permission_handler26LocationPermissionStrategyCAA0dE0A2aDP07requestD00A017completionHandleryAA0D5GroupO_yAA0D6StatusOctFTW + 43
5 permission_handler 0x000000010a0c8199 $S18permission_handler17PermissionManagerC1<…>
Lost connection to device.

Hi, currently I'm unable to fix this bug, because I don't have access to Mac computer. I'll try fix this asap.