
Preferences for Jetpack Compose, Material3 and DataStore

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Compose Preferences

(in progress)


Step 1 - Provide a DataStore

setContent {
    DataStoreProvider {
        AppTheme {
            // ...

The DataStoreProvider is necessary to read values from anywhere. By default, it uses preferencesDataStore(name = "settings").

Step 2 - Define Preferences

val SHOW = BooleanPreference("show") // defaultValue = false

A Preference simply contains a Preferences.Key<V> and a default value.

Step 3 - Read the Preference

fun Example() {
    val show by SHOW.stateOrDefault()

    if (show) Text(text = "Shown")
    else Text(text = "Not shown")

Behind the scenes, a flow is created with LocalDataStore.current:

fun value(preferences: Preferences) = preferences[key]
fun flow(dataStore: DataStore<Preferences>) = dataStore.data.map { value(it) }.distinctUntilChanged()

To read the preference from a ViewModel, use dependency injection to have access to a DataStore.

object AppModule {

    fun provideDataStore(@ApplicationContext context: Context): DataStore<Preferences> {
        return context.settingsDataStore

class ExampleViewModel @Inject constructor(dataStore: DataStore<Preferences>) : ViewModel(){
    val settingFlow = SHOW.flowOrDefault(dataStore)

Step 4 - Add a PreferenceScreen

PreferenceScreen {
    item {
        SwitchPreference(title = "Show", preference = SHOW)
    // or ...
    header(title ="General")
    switchPreference(title = "Show", description = "Description", icon = {
        Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Home, contentDescription = null)
    }, preference = SHOW)
    preferenceItem(title = "Send Feedback", onClick = {})

Dark Theme

val DARK_THEME = DarkThemePreference()

Pass a value for darkTheme in your AppTheme manually.

AppTheme(darkTheme = DARK_THEME.stateOrDefault().value) { }

The DarkThemePreference works by overriding the defaultValue and getting a Configuration from the context.

class DarkThemePreference(keyName: String = "dark_theme") : BooleanPreference(keyName) {
    override val defaultValue: Context.() -> Boolean
        get() = {

fun isSystemInDarkTheme(configuration: Configuration): Boolean {
    return (configuration.uiMode and Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK) == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES

Custom colors with dark theme preference

Be careful not to use extension functions as they do not use the saved value.

val ColorScheme.myColor: Color
    get() = if (!isSystemInDarkTheme()) Color.Red else Color.Yellow

When using stateOrDefault(), the initial value might be different from the saved value, which will cause some flickering. I recommend using a CompositionLocal next to the MaterialTheme.

data class MyColors(
    val green: Color = MaterialColor.LightGreenA400,
    val red: Color = MaterialColor.DeepOrange400,
    val yellow: Color = MaterialColor.YellowA200

val lightMyColors = MyColors(
    green = MaterialColor.LightGreen800,
    red = MaterialColor.Red800,
    yellow = MaterialColor.Yellow800

val LocalMyColors = staticCompositionLocalOf { MyColors() }
val MaterialTheme.myColors @Composable get() = LocalMyColors.current
    val myColors = if (darkTheme) MyColors() else lightMyColors

    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalMyColors provides myColors) {
            colorScheme = colorScheme, typography = Typography, content = content

Optionally, you can wait a little to get the saved or default value.

fun <V> Preference<V>.stateOrDefault() =
    flowOrDefault(LocalDataStore.current, LocalContext.current)
        .collectAsStateWithLifecycle(initialValue = defaultValue())

fun <V> Preference<V>.waitForValue() = // nullable
    flowOrDefault(LocalDataStore.current, LocalContext.current)
        .collectAsStateWithLifecycle(initialValue = null).value
DataStoreProvider {
    val darkTheme = Settings.DARK_THEME.waitForValue() ?: return@DataStoreProvider
    StopwatchTheme(darkTheme = darkTheme) {
        // ...


For now, you can clone the repository and add a module to your project in settings.gradle:

include ':compose-preferences'
project(':compose-preferences').projectDir = new File('repoPath/compose-preferences')

Then, add the module to your app in build.gradle:

implementation project(path: ':compose-preferences')

// datastore
implementation "androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences:1.0.0"



