Bat file for easier config compiling
Opened this issue · 2 comments
thegamerx1 commented
I made a script which helps running the generate.js so you dont have to open cmd and type the command just double click it and done
generate.bat (Manual close)
@echo off
title Magic Sorting System Generator
node generate.js
generate.bat (Instant)
@echo off
title Magic Sorting System Generator
node generate.js
generate.bat (3Sec close)
@echo off
title Magic Sorting System Generator
node generate.js
TIMEOUT /T 3 >nul
jhuckaby commented
Thanks! This would only work on Windows of course, and I have many Mac and Linux users, but thank you! I'm sure some people will find this quite useful. I'll leave this issue open so people can find it.
thegamerx1 commented
it could be done for mac and linux users with a bash program but i dont know making those and i dont have a linux machine.