
pyinstaller compatibility?

LinkBenjamin opened this issue · 0 comments

I have a project that, when I run it from my editor, works just fine. Code found here (See modules/transcripter.py, specifically). Purpose is to extract the audio from a .mov file and then change it into a mono format so that I can feed it to a vosk model for speech-to-text.

However, I've been trying to package my app with pyinstaller. pyinstaller runs successfully and creates an executable, but when I run the executable, I get errors on set_frame_rate(16000) and on set_channels(1). It seems to be some kind of data typing issue as the error messages thrown are shown as just numbers:

Frame rate: 131742297.33333333
Channels: 197613440.0

The only guess I can make right now is that I haven't configured the bundling correctly in pyinstaller - wondered if you have any best-practices for pydub bundling?

Your System configuration

  • Python version: 3.12
  • Pydub version: 0.25.1
  • ffmpeg or avlib?: ffmpeg
  • ffmpeg/avlib version: 7.0.1