
‘macOS could not be installed on your computer’ error

CharlesCCC opened this issue · 8 comments

I'm trying to install the moJava in R7, i have exactly the same specs as you do.
but when I using uniBeast to install the OS, it gave me the error Can you please share some insight, thank you.

You can first use clover configuration to update the EFI/clover in your USB to latest version, then try to install MacOS. The default EFI/clover version created by UniBeast is a bit old.

thank you for the suggestion, I have tried using the latest clover Clover_v2.4k_r4586-UEFI

but I can't even get to the install screen anymore, it getting me this error
ACPI Error: 9 table load failures, 4 successful

It all set, after I install the Clover_v2.4k_r4784 with copy paste all of your EFI files.
but one thing wasn't sure, the Audio device is not set.

Try to plug in your audio device to the centre connector in the second row and select Internal speakers in System Preferences>Sound

@jianghaizhi thank you very much for the kind help, really appreciated.
btw, for the wireless card, I do have a Airport card + PCi-E adapter that I can use, the only downside is, the R7 motherboard doesn't come with the standard USB header, which is required to enable the bluetooth for the Airport card in Hackintosh build.

@jianghaizhi Just a update with the wireless card, I was able to get it to work by some hacking around. Basically, I cut off a old usb cable and used it connect to the adapter, then I was able to use external usb connection to get the wireless card to work perfectly (wife+bluetooth) with Airdrop, Airplay etc. worked perfectly.

@jianghaizhi Just a update with the wireless card, I was able to get it to work by some hacking around. Basically, I cut off a old usb cable and used it connect to the adapter, then I was able to use external usb connection to get the wireless card to work perfectly (wife+bluetooth) with Airdrop, Airplay etc. worked perfectly.

Which card do you use?
I bought a DW1830 and replaced the original card by it in the M.2 interface on motherboard.
The wifi works OOB, BrcmPatchRAM2.kext and BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext are added to /L/E to enable BT.
In the meantime, I inject the port used for M.2 interface for BT in USBinjectALL.kext as internal. It works so far so good.

@jianghaizhi that's great to know, I bought the Airport BCM4360 card(used by actual Macs) and insert it into a PCI-e adapter. the Adapter is using PCI-e x4 interface with additional USB connection required for the bluetooth to work. (No Kext/Patches required for either of to work, as long as get all the connection to work). The only downside about this approach is what I mentioned earlier, the R7 doesn't come with additional USB header, so I have stick the wire out and connect the internal PCI-e USB to the external USB port (not too bad consider it is on the back of the case).