
How to use auto pair with remap

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello everyone, I tried using auto-pair and it works well, but when want to use a remap I created for ( and {, it doesn't work.

These are the remaps I created:

inoremap Ô {
inoremap \ }
inoremap ô (
inoremap € )

nore means "not recursive". When you declare the binding as not being recursive, and you just use (, that means you output the literal character. You either need to change it to inremap ô <C-r>=AutoPairsInsert('('), or drop the nore and make it a recursive imap ô ( (and equivalent for any other keybinds you may have, regardless of which option)

I switched to imap and it fixed the issue, thank you for your help @LunarWatcher

@LunarWatcher Hello. Due to the incompromising black code style which forces to use double quotes in Python, I want to remap single quotes to double quotes in Vim to ease the burden of having to use double quotes. However imap ' " seems not work with the auto-pair plugin. In other words, when I input ', I still get '' rather than "". What should I do? I would appreciate your reply.

You'll have to remove ' from g:AutoPairs. This should work: autocmd FileType python let b:AutoPairs = AutoPairsDefine({}, ["'"]). The second argument removes the pair with the associated open character (if it exists). I think this is stock jiangmiao at least. If not, my fork supports it

Auto-pairs isn't designed to completely change the pair type, so you'll have to disable auto-pairs' own completion for ' for your mapping to take precedence. Alternatively, if your map is a buffer map, you can try to find an autocmd that runs after the one auto-pairs uses (I don't remember which jiangmaio's version uses anymore) and do your mapping then. That would override auto-pairs' mapping, but again, your map has to be a buffer map for that to work. Auto-pairs exclusively uses buffer maps, which don't interact with global maps (making a global map will not overwrite a buffer map, and vice versa).

Not sure if the converted " will trigger auto-pairs for ", but I think it will, seeing as you use a recursive map.