Is this provider designed for multi orgs?
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Creating a custom integration in 1 org and utilizing a the token to create a new org works. However If I now want to create objects within that new org I have to create a custom integration in that new org and utilize the newly created token from that org in order to perform actions in that new org.
Automating this would be a bit tough to manage. I.e - create new org, create integration (which i don't think it will allow to be outside of the UI since I don't have the new token to interact with new org), get the new token , create objects within new org.
Hence, the question is this terraform provider designed for multi-org management? Is there an overarching multi-org integration we can create with a token that has permissions to all orgs? Is there another way?
Otherwise utilzing the same token from the original org, yields, to over come this you have to create a new integration within new org and utilize the new token from the new org.
I'm on self hosted version of sentry.
403 You do not have permission to perform this action
Actually, even just creating an org will yield the error, while the org is still created however.
│ Error: GET https://<endpoint>/api/0/organizations/test-2/: 403 You do not have permission to perform this action.
│ with module.org_entries["test-2"].sentry_organization.sentry_org,
│ on modules/org_create/ line 1, in resource "sentry_organization" "sentry_org":
│ 1: resource "sentry_organization" "sentry_org" {