dva is a react and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework.
- Getting Started
- Concepts
- Toturial (in chinese only)
- Knowledge Map - Knowledge map for dva. (in chinese only)
- dva-cli - The dva command line utility, including commands like
. - dva-ast - Dva static analysis based on javascript ast.
- dva-boilerplate-typescript - Dva boilerplate for typescript.
- dva-boilerplate-isomorphic - Dva boilerplate for isomorphic.
- dva-boilerplate-electron - Dva boilerplate for electron.
- dva-example-react-native - Dva example for React Native.
- dva-antd-starter - Dva example for Ant Design.
- dva-antd-mobile-starter - Dva example for Ant Design mobile.
- Hackernews (repo) - HackerNews clone built with dva.
- User Dashboard - A dashboard for managing user based on dva and antd.
- Count - A dead simple count example.
- dva-loading - Auto loading plugin for dva, you don't need to write showLoading and hideLoading any more.
- babel-plugin-dva-hmr - Hmr babel plugin for dva.
- Practical Projects with dva and antd
- 从 0 开始实现 react 版本的 hackernews (基于 dva)
- 支付宝前端应用架构的发展和选择: 从 roof 到 redux 再到 dva
- dva 介绍 (Why and What)
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