Provide easy access to the canvas before and after leaflet draws on it
nyurik opened this issue · 2 comments
nyurik commented
For our usecase, it would be great to add an image (from a buffer) to the canvas before leaflet gets to draw on it. What would be the best way to do this? Thx!
nyurik commented
I think I got a workaround - - it is still broken (if the center is shifted, the box and the tiles go in the oposite direction), but its a proof of concept. I still suspect there is a memory leak though.
mdorda commented
Little late to the party, but it could be handy for next generations :-)
If you need to, for example, save JPEG to the buffer instead of saving PNG to file.
const L = require('leaflet-headless');
L.Map.prototype.toJpegBuffer = function (callback) {
var leafletImage = require('leaflet-image');
leafletImage(this, function (err, canvas) {
if (err) {
canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.9, (err, jpeg) => {
if (err) {
const data = jpeg.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, '');
callback(Buffer.alloc(data.length, data, 'base64'));
// ... create 'map' and all other initial settings
map.toJpegBuffer(buffer => {
// do whatever you need with the buffer