
`%snakeviz` magic does not work in jupyter lab (missing jquery)

nonZero opened this issue · 3 comments

jupyterlab does not include jquery and fails to run the %snakeviz magic.

Interesting, thanks for the report! Can you use it with the %snakeviz -t option that opens SnakeViz in a new tab? (Or will that not work because you're working on a remote machine?)

This may also help ... I got the following console error when running in jupyter lab

VM412:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
    at <anonymous>:1:1
    at PanelLayout.push.HWBy.PanelLayout.attachWidget (panellayout.js:210)
    at PanelLayout.push.HWBy.PanelLayout.insertWidget (panellayout.js:113)
    at OutputArea._insertOutput (widget.js:335)
    at OutputArea.onModelChanged (widget.js:217)
    at invokeSlot (index.js:475)
    at Object.emit (index.js:433)
    at Signal.push.qUp9.Signal.emit (index.js:106)
    at OutputAreaModel._onListChanged (model.js:282)
    at invokeSlot (index.js:475)

Jupyterlab does not allow Javascript running in the HTML, so that we cannot embed a iframe with the location been set from current url. I also tried to use relative url with different port, sad there is no such thing support by browser.
