
Charts not displaying with elements scaled appropriately

Finndersen opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm generating profile stats data using a custom class that measures execution time of operations.
It's produced in same format as Profile.stats data (dictionary with function details as key, values are [calL_count, stack count, total time, cumulative time, ]

I'm dumping the data to file then using snakeviz.ipymagic.open_snakeviz_and_display_in_notebook to display in Jupyter notebook.
Snakeviz parses the data just fine and generates charts which are almost correct but the blocks aren't scaled appropriately, they're all the same size even though they have different Cumulative Time values which Snakeviz recognizes but just doesnt display properly. You can see the profile data varies in the table

Snakeviz displays charts scaled appropriately when using stats output generated from cProfile.Profile. But I don't know why, because the data I'm generating is exactly the same format.
Any ideas why this is happening?